FAQ (us)

  • What does being a Buzzador involve?

    Buzzador membership is completely free. As a member, you will receive invitations to take part in campaigns and try out products. These will be either completely free or available to buy at a great price. In return, you will try out the product or service and then share your views and experiences via social media, write reviews and answer questions about what you thought of the product or service. At the beginning of each campaign, you will find out what exactly that particular campaign involves. Search for #buzzador on social media to find inspiration from current campaigns.

  • Do I have to say good things about the products I buzz about?

    Absolutely not! We encourage you to be completely honest in your opinions when talking about the product or service you try out. The important thing is that you say why you’re talking about the product – that you’re a Buzzador and that you’re sharing your honest opinion.

  • Does taking part in a campaign take a lot of time?

    Our campaigns usually have a campaign period of around four weeks. Depending on the product or service involved, you will be encouraged to carry out various activities.

  • What different types of campaign are there?

    There are buzz campaigns, deals campaigns and affiliate campaigns.

    Buzz campaign are free to take part in. There is sometimes a requirement to share the product on Instagram, sometimes you have to write a review, and sometimes you simply have to try a product and tell your friends what you think. Products are distributed either by post or digitally in the form of a product voucher.

    Deals campaigns are campaigns you pay to take part in. These campaigns give you the opportunity to buy products at heavily discounted prices in return for writing a review about the product. It is not permitted to sell the product within 6 months from campaign period ends.

    Affiliate campaigns link to external online stores/businesses. In these campaigns, we work with other companies and often link to an external website where you can take advantage of a unique offer or a service, either free of charge or at a discounted price.

  • How does a campaign take place?

    Before the campaign
    You will receive an invitation e-mail containing information about new campaigns. You can also follow us on social media for more info. Apply for the campaigns you are interested in via your campaign pages at buzzador.com. After the application period, you will receive an e-mail confirming whether or not you have been included in the campaign, together with product delivery information.

    During the campaign
    “Buzz” the product! By “buzz”, we mean that you should post images or videos and write honest reviews about what you think. The campaign page explains what is required for each campaign, and you will also receive e-mails explaining what is required during the course of the campaign. Be clear that you are taking part in a Buzzador campaign when you buzz, and always give your honest opinion regardless of whether this is positive or negative.

    After the campaign
    Answer the final report once you have finished buzzing. A link will be e-mailed to you, or you can find it in your profile. If you haven’t been able to test the product, you should simply answer “No” to the first question in the final report. This will not affect your chances of taking part in future campaigns.

  • What are the requirements for being chosen for a campaign?

    Who exactly is selected for which campaign depends entirely on the company’s target group for the product.This often depends on age, gender, responses to selection questions, the social media you use, how many followers you have and the content of your feed. When testing more expensive products, the selection criteria are stricter. To boost your chances, you should link your social media accounts to your buzz profile. And remember to do what is expected of you for the campaigns you take part in – this will increase your chances of being selected again!

  • Why do you want me to link my social media accounts?

    Linking your social media accounts improves your chances of being selected for campaigns. You don’t need an open profile to link your account. The reason why we want you to link your account is so we can see the campaign’s reach (i.e. how many people have seen the posts shared under a particular hashtag) and be able to present this to the customer. Certain campaigns require an account to be linked to e.g. Instagram in order to be selected.

  • What happens if I don’t respond to my final report?

    If you don’t respond to your final report, this could affect your chances of taking part in future campaigns. If for any reason you have been unable to buzz about the product you have been chosen for (for personal reasons, or if you haven’t received the product), you should explain this in your final report.

  • I’ve moved home. How do I change my address?

    It’s important that you update your address details if you move. Otherwise, we will send products to the wrong address. You can easily change your address in your profile when you are logged in.

  • How do I close my account?

    If you want to end or pause your Buzzador membership, you can do this via your profile.

  • How is Buzzador preparing for GDPR?

    Buzzador welcomes the GDPR legislation, and takes a positive view of the new rules in connection with how companies should deal with personal data in future. We are currently implementing new routines and are preparing for the new legislation, which comes into force on 25 May 2018. We will have dealt with all the necessary changes before this date.

  • Any other questions?

    If you have any other questions that aren’t covered by the FAQs above, please e-mail our support team!